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Tasmanian Tiger

 Tasmanian Tiger or Tasmanian devil is an extinct animal. It was seen in New Guinea,Australia and in Tasman island.This animal was being evolved around 4 million years. And interesting thing was they had pouch like Kangaroo and was making him only carnivorous to had pouch. It was saying as tasmanian tiger because of black stripping like tiger on their lower back. And they were looking like wolf and hyena so people were saying them Tasmanian jackal.

The reason for extinction was they were attacking on sheep, so the Van Diemen's land company introduced bounties and price was  1$ per an animal. so it came to an end for these rare creatures.The last tiger was found in 1933 in Tasman. 

and there are so many rare animals left in earth,so we have to save them and keep them a good environment .

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