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Jambhaban and Himavat



Jambhaban or Jambhabat is an mythological bear in Hinduism. He is the son of Hindu creator God
BRAMHA and  has no mother. His main purpose for creation was to help Rama to finding Sita when Ravana captured her. And in scriptures it has been said that he is the king of Bears and he was different from today's bear. Of course he was son of God so he will be. He was wearing garments of silk and golds and jewels. Jambhaban was present at the time of CHURNING OF THE OCEAN(samudra manthan). This word has a specific mythical history in Hinduism. Thus it is being assumed that he has witnessed all the carnation of Vishnu. It was Jambhaban who encouraged and made realized to Hanuman of his enormous capabilities to  fly over Indian ocean to reach Lanka. 

Jambhaban is mentioned in scriptures of Hinduism like Vishnu Purana, Ramayana and epic Mahabharat. Jambhabana was in Ramayana and he helped Rama over Ravana and in another Carnation of Vishnu as Krishna , It is narrated that Krishna was finding a precious diamond which was being kept by a lion and Jambhaban killed that lion and took that diamond. After that fight happened between Jambhaban and Krishna about 25-27 days and In Vishnu purana it is about 21 days. After that Jambhaban submitted before Krishna knowing that he is a carnation of Vishnu. And gave Krishna that diamond and his daughter Jambhabati as a marraige proposal.


Himavat is the brother of Jambhaban in the form of a mountain. Popularly known as Himalaya in today's geography. Himavat also the son of Bramha. Himavat has so many daughters and among them main was Parvati who married to God Shiva . Himavat was considered as the way to Heaven in Hindu mythology. There is nothing more about Himavat.

Both these are mythological character in HINDUISM. Both got place in HINDUISM. And I will bring blog on Churning in Hinduism in future.

God bless you all.

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