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The Devil's Triangle | Bermuda Triangle


 The Devil's triangle or Bermuda triangle is a mysterious place and the most hot and highlighted place on earth. Bermuda Triangle is located between Florida-Bermuda-Puerto Rico and makes a Triangle form. That's why it is said as Triangle and popularly known as Bermuda Triangle or The Devil's Triangle. Bermuda Triangle is a mysterious place in our earth because so many planes and ships have disappeared in this zone.


For the first time a fighter plane named FIGHT 19 had disappeared  of the USA in this region. After that five naval gunman and a fighter ship had disappeared. It was published on the USA news magazine whch name was "American Legion" An author W.Eckret had written that when Fight 19 was crashed in Bermuda Triangle , the pilot was saying that " they were entered into white water, then he again reported there is no white water and the water is green and they do not know where they are." And that was his last lines begore disappeared . After that people started believing that they entered into Mars . And inside Bermuda triangle there is a door to Mars.


There is a folklore that in Bermuda triangle ancient Atlantis are living . Sea God Poseidon with his Trident commands the flow of water there. Many people are saying Kraken lives there and he pulls whatever goes on that way. People also says that there is a way to outer world and Bermuda Triangle is controlled by Aliens. Some are saying there is a big magnet which changes the way of planes and ships and pulls towards it. Greek mythology says that Atlantis age had started from Bermuda triangle area. And King of Sea lives inside water and mermaids and ancient creatures lives there.


But there is so many criticism about Bermuda Triangle. Researchers are saying if there is any Supernatural power then why there is no things happening today's date. And we should know that this region is one of the busiest sea trade route in today's date.

This was all about Bermuda Triangle. Differ by local people and researchers but people have still a fear on Devil's Triangle.

God bless you. 

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