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Adam's Bridge(monotheism)

 Adam's bridge is located on Indian ocean between South of Tamilnadu and noth province of Sri Lanka.It was the first man made bridge on earth. It is 48 km lomg and 3m depth. Alberuni in 1030 for the first time had said it as Adam's bridge in the kingship of Mahmud of Gaznahvi.  In monotheism belief Adam was the first human on earth and he had fallen on earth on a mountain which was closer to sky and the highest on earth.Some narration says that he had fallen on Eden garden of sri lanka , and from there he had found a way to meet his wife Eve(Hawaa in Islam). He made a way on this ocean which is called Adam's bridge. But according to Hinduism Ram had created this bridge with the help of Monkeys to get his deprive wife Sita from demon king Ravan. So Hindu people call it as Ram setu.

Whatever, people believe according to their belief .God knows everything more than anyone. Beyond this it is a tourist place and beautiful views of floating stones.

God bless you all.

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