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Ghost/Jinn/Rooh/Saya? - 1

 In our modern era it is a challenging topic to prove that do they really exist? If they exist then where they are? In Hinduism people believe that after death their spirit remains on earth and calls as ghost(bhoot). Hindu People also say that after committing suicide their spirit can not release from earth and they would wander all around here and there. Many people claiming to see their ancestors , and relatives through different ways like spirit calls and black magic etc. They also believing on specific days like Tuesday and Saturday and on some religious days. And some places are declared haunted in some areas and in jungles. In some cases people act weird like they says that they have been possessed by ghost,they act weird and making different faces , but it hasn't proven actively yet.

And in Hinduism there are various types like bhoot, pret,pisach,dayan,chudail etc.

Experts says that it is an illusion of our mind and overthinking of our brain,but a lot of people have experienced on these paranormal things and activities.

I will work on this topic accord to Islam on my second blog.

God bless you all.

after Ghost possesses a human body-

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