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Jatayu and Sampati(mythology)

 Jatayu is divine and brave bird in Hindu mythology. According to Hinduism Jatayu is younger son of Aruna(chariot of Sun God) and brother of Samapti. Jatayu was a demi god and was in form of a eagle , a big massive eagle. He was friend of Dasratha (Rama's father). When Ravan was kidnapping Sita Jatayu attempted to save her from sky , but Ravan was so brave and he cut off his wings and killed him.

His brother Sampati was in form of a vulture. When in childhood both Jatayu and Sampati were flying across sky Jatayu flew so closer to Sun and His wings started to burn in sun rays . Seeing his brother in problem Sampati covered Jatayu with his wings and thus Jatayu saved by his brother. But as a result Sampati lost his wings. Seeing this Sun God blessed Sampati. When Rama started finding Sita with monkeys and bears , Sampati knew from them about his younger brother who died in battle with Ravan and he got extremely sad. And he helped them , in which direction Ravan took Sita.

There is a place in Kerla names the rocks of Chadayamangalam where people says that Jatayu fell there after got killed by Ravan. There is a tourism place near to sea names Jatayu nature park in kerla. It holds world's largest bird sculpture 1200ft above sea level.

So this was just a myth in Hinduism.

God bless you all.

Jatayu nature park in Kerala

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