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Cannibals(human eaters)

 Cannibals or human eaters was a practice in some European countries,African and some parts of W.Indies. Those who eat humans are said as cannibal and  this enormous and weird  taboo is known as Cannibalism.

When captain Columbus reached in the parts of  island of Guadaloupe, the tribes were cannibals and they were eating their prisoners. Then Columbus returned to Queen and Queen passed a order to stop Cannibalism. At that time it was saying as Caribe then in Europe it changed to Cannibal. 

In early Europe for sickness,disorders,wounds and for mental disesease patients were being fed flesh of Egyptian Mummies. This was known as Mummia. And at that The demand for ancient Mummies got high and started corruption in Cannibalism.

In modern era it is found in countries like Democratic Republic of Congo and Liberia. In Liberia it is still practiced. In Papua new Guinea It was practiced till 2012 as per report.

Fiji was once known as island of Cannibals. In modern era some examples are Dooner party and Uruguayan Air force flight 571 consists of 45 members which crashed on a glacier. And those survivors were eating their dead friend and family till rescue.

It is said to be mental disease by some experts. People are becoming cannibals for sex pleasure and strength like Jefffery Dahmer and Albert fish(both were serial killers and child rapist in their different time periods).

Discoverer of Australia Captain James cook was also attacked and killed by pirates of Hawaians. They were believing that the power of Cook was in his bones so they cooked his bones and ate his bone.

So this was the weird taboo of humans till now. In India some cannibals known as Aghori who do black magic to their prey and cook them.

In myth and folklore Lamia ,Baba yaga and witch from Hansel and Grital we can get this things.

God bless you.

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