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 Pegasus is a divine and glorious winged horse in Greek mythology. He was offspring of sea God Poseidon and Gorgon Medusa. Yes that cursed and raped Medusa about who I have written blog already. After got beheaded by Perseus , from Medusa's neck Pegasus and Charyon both were born. Myth says that they got separated after that . Pegasus flew away and Charyon walked away. Wherever Pegasus was setting his foot in earth there was a spring coming from earth. And after That Pegasus flew away towards mount Olympus.

Pegasus only allowed 2 people to ride on him. First one was The great hero Bellerophon and Perseus. Perseus rescued Andromeda from sea monster Cetus by riding on Pegasus. And after Pegasus's final work he returned to mount Olympus. It was being said that he was carrier of lightning of Zeus. Zeus wanted Pegasus to be mortal so he spread Pegasus and his wings as group of stars. And we can still see those stars.

In world war II Pegasus was used as a symbol in U.K. troops. 

So This is the myth and story of Pegasus.

God bless you all.

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