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Dead Man


We can't see dead people and we know that but do we know we can see them in different ways . In Polytheism dead people might be seen just after their death like sudden death or suicide or murder. People believe that if a soul is not satisfied with it's past life or if it was murdered by someone then the soul will be wander all around the places where it had travelled. Most of in Polytheism soul can be called by black magic and will be the slave of Aghori(magician). They are the priests of Satan and bad powers. In Hinduism people say them as ghost and whatever . They say they live in trees or bushes and it is just a folklore. Some black magicians do sacrifices for get the soul of the dead people and etc. 

But In my concept Dead people can only be seen through dreams. We see them when we are sleeping. They are talking to us ,touching us eating with us. It is imagination or real I do not know but we see them . Not only me but also everyone in this world can see them . We really do not know where the soul goes after death is that remains in grave or is that goes to God or is that wanders. But in every religion it  is not good to see them.

I am watching my dead relatives from 1 week. They are talking to me , He is saying me he is in pain and his soul is not free . But I think it is a good purpose for me . And I know why his Soul is not free. 

God bless you.

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