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 Garuda is another deity and legendary bird like creature in Hinduism,Buddhism and Jainism. He is the Vehicle of God Vishnu. He is the son of Rishi Kashyap and Vinata. And he is the brother of Aruna (Charioteer of Sun God) about whom I have already mentioned in my blogs. His father had boon his step mother and mother that they will lay eggs and from that egg they will get sons. His step mother laid 1000 eggs and Vinata laid 2 eggs  His step mom got 1000 serpents from her eggs. Seeing this Vinata broke his one of egg and From that Aruna was born and chided his mother and warned her not to break that egg. After so many ears Garuda was born. It is being said that Garuda with his serpent brothers waged a war against Gods. And took Amrit from them. Hindu God Vishnu reached him and offered him to be his Vehicle. 

In Buddhism Garuda is mentioned as Protector of Dharma. In Jainism he is mentioned as Yaksha and A kind of kite who is contemporary of Garuda.

It has been said that Garuda is so massive that he can cover Sun with his wings. And he is mentioned in the Mahabharat as the snake eater. In India to forbid snake there is a plant names as Underground Garuda and people believe that if they would plant this then no snake will come to their area.

Garuda is symbol and coast of arms in Indonesian Government. There is a wing named Garuda command force is in India. And some temple are in the name of Garuda.

Whatever it is a mythological creature in these three religions.

God bless you all.

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