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Swarg or heaven or jannat is a place where God and his righteous creatures live. Do we know these words have different meaning in different religion. 
 In Hinduism people say this as swarg and those people will get this place who will do good deeds in their life . No corruption,  no murder , no lying , no cheating to others. And the main thing is it's not mentioned in Hindu scriptures properly . In the Mahabharat Krishna has said that who will quit bad things and bad activities they would be the righteous of Swarg. And they will be judged by God Yama and his judge Chitragupta . It is being said that Chitragupta has a book and in that book every man's past deed is written like what he had done in earth etc. And as on that result they will go to Swarg or Nark.

In Islam, Christianity and Judaism it is known as Jannat, Heaven respectively. After judgement day Allah(God) will judge them by their past deeds. And if they will be righteous then like if they followed the proper way of His prophets and if they have believed all His prophets and Allah(God) then they will get Jannah or Heaven. But every Muslim or Christian or Jew won't get Heaven. If they would  be corrupted then they can't reach jannah they will get hell fire. And they will live there as on their corresponding place.

I didn't mention more about this because It will be so long if I will start writing in every religion.

God bless you all.

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