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We all know what it means , but do we know what happens there after dead people buried or burnt. Let's know about this .

In most of monotheism religion after death of a people they get buried under earth . Because they believe in another life after death( resurrection ). In Judaism, Christianity and Islam it is mentioned as per their holy scriptures that God will awake them in the judgement day a d will make their bodies like before how they were in their life. They will get flesh and blood and every organ of human body. They believe in judgement day and they will get heaven or hell as per their activities on earth. And according to Islam after their body get buried , their soul will be taken by Malaikul Mout( death angel ) and that will meet Allah,  and Allah will take his soul and as per his past deeds on earth his/her grave will decide. If deeds would be good then that corresponding people's grave would give comfort and if bad then it would shrink and he/she will face fire inside it's grave till Qiyamah. 

But in Hinduism and Buddhism people burn dead people. Reason is they believe in second life . The folklore is after Hindu people die if that body wouldn't be get burnt then his soul will never get peace and it will become a ghost. And for the dead person's soul they do SRAADH(feast for soul) every year. And the folklore also says that in dead people's ash , Hindu God Shiva comes there and pour those ash on his body and does his sacred dance known as TANDAV. 

And I have already mentioned about Buddhist rebirth known as JATAKA. 

In my personal opinion and view I believe in one life and judgement day. Comment your personal opinion .

God bless you all.

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