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Baba Yaga

 We have heard and seen stories of witch in our childhood. But do we know how and from where this witch came from? 

Baba Yaga or witch is a part of Russian mythology and a famous Russian female character who was used to fear children and naughty kids. Baba Yaga means old grandmother in old Russian language. According to this folklore she was living in forest in a hut and her hut was being situated on chicken's leg. And this chicken's leg could travelled around Russia to find her prey and kids and lost people. her hot was surrounded by human skulls. In Russian stories She is described as child eater and sometimes helper to good people {depends on her mind}. Her body structure was like white hair, long green nose, narrow chick, big eyes and stoned breasts. 

Ancient Russians were saying she was from Slavic Gods until the new Gods came. That's why she decided to harm mankind and became the mistress of underworld. She helps them who serves her. It was being said that her hut was full of  wine and meats which she had collected by her walking chicken leg hut. She had a flying broom and had invisible messengers who were giving her messages around world.

Some were saying she was a sorceress and she had a magic lamp. She could changed weather and seasons. Baba Yaga is still spooking in Eastern countries. In India she is known as "chudail". So many good and bad stories are based on her.

God bless you all.

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