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Jibreel(Gabriel) 1

Jibreel or Gabriel is an archangel in important angel in all Abrahamic religions. Especially in Judaism,Christianity and Islam. Jibreel is first introduced to mankind in the Hibrew Bibel.  Allah's first creation is Jibreel and after Jibreel has  created the first word was "La hawla wala quata ilaha billaha" (there is no power mightier than God). Jibreel is described by prophet Muhammad S.A.W. that when he saw Jibreel , he had 600 wings and all had covered the sky and he was sitting on the throne provided by Allah and the colour of his wings are green and sole of foot are green too. Prophet Muhammad is the first man to see Jibreel in his angelic form.

Jibreel is the message carrier from God to his prophets. And he has served God in so many ways. It the time of Prophet Lut , the city of Lut was destroyed by only the tip wing of Gabriel. Gabriel is the king of all angels who created by Allah. Actually angels are created to follow the order from God and he is the best in angels that's why he is an archangel. All the verses from Quran,Bibel,Torah are recieved to Prophet Muhammad,Isa and Musa respectively by Jibreel only. When Adam died it was Jibreel who buried him.

This is the just introduction of Gabriel,

in future I will post rest of him enshallah.

God bless you all.

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