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 Firaun or Pharon was a specail character in (Judaism,Christianity and Islam). He was the most corrupted and disbeliever at his time. He was famous for his cruelty ,pride and lordship over Egyptian people. he was saying himself as descendant from Gods and the demi God in earth around 5000 years ago. He was torturing and making slaves to Bani Israel. He had made Bani Israels as a lower category people and just for slaves no freedom and no specialty to them. When Musa(Moses) came with message from God he denied him and mocked him in his palace. Musa showed him what he had received from God. It is a long story which has written in religious books of Islam and Christianity and Judaism. 

In the end when he came to  kill Moses and Bani Israel ,God divided Red sea in two portion and made a way for Moses and his people and when Firaun and his people went on that way , he merged that water way again. hence all drowned in Red sea. In islam there is a narration that when Firaun was drowning at that time he wanted to say 'la illaha illallah'(there is no God, only one God), but JIbreel(angel) was kicking his face and filling sand into his mouth. He wanted Firaun will die as a disbeliever. 

In Quran it mentioned in al Momin that firaun and his people will be in hell fire forever. And they will always be. And in Egypt museum they are still keeping firaun's mummy(dead body)

Firaun and prophet Musa has a long story. I did not write because it will be long by itself.

God bless you all.

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