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Ghost/Jinn/Rooh/Saya? 2

Jinn is an arabic word which means rooh in urdu and ghost in english.
On my last blog of this topic , i had elaborated ghost in Hinduism. But in this blog i will tell you about what i know in Islam.
 In Islam there are only Jinns(ghosts) . According to Islam Allah created first angels then jinns and he created jinns from fire . Jinns were living on earth before existance of human and for increasing corruption between them ,Angels destroyed jinns and some are living in a parallel dimension between us.When Allah created Adam a jinn names Iblis he denied to prostrate Adam coz he was ignorant. Jinns are various type like Ifrit, Marit ,jan, gaul ,kareen,shaytan etc. We see marit type of jinns in movies like Aladdin n tv serials.
    Shaytans are says themselves slaves of Iblis. And Iblis had promised Allah to manipulate and misguide human from straight path. These are shaytans who are possessing human body. After death our soul doesn't become ghost or rebirth. Jinns are already exist. I haven't seen any dead man(ghost) in my life but i have heard sounds of jinn. 
This is my belief on ghost/jinn/saya/rooh.
God bless you all. 

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