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 Lamia is also a Greek mythology and some are saying that she was being used as a character to frighten little naughty children. According to this myth Lamia was a normal lady and Greek God Zeus started loving Lamia and made children with her. Zeus was loving her for her extreme beauty. And this made wife of Zeus, Hera trouble. She cursed Lamia that she will be a witch and she will fond of human flesh. She also cursed that her eyes will be always opened and made her sleeplessness. Hera destroyed all Lamia's children in anger and jealous. 

After that Zeus gave the ability to Lamia to take out her eyes that she can sleep.

Some narration says that Lamia after got cursed She was trapping youths for sex and after her job finishes ,she was eating them alive.

So this was a just story and myth which is being used to frighten kids of Greece. 

God bless you all.

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