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Xerxes 1

 Xerxes the great was son of Darius the great. Darius was the first invader to India and had a large empire. Xerxes (518-465)BC was a great ruler of his time. He was a Persian king and adversary of pre Zoroastrianism(old religion was being used by Indo-Iranian). His biggest failure was to loss from Greece and he couldn't marry Esther. History says that he had a large army which was containing 5 million standing army. He had removed golden statue of Greek God Zeus from temple and had established Persian culture.

Xerxes is mentioned in the Bible in the book Esther.

In the battle of Thermopylae Xerxes won some territory of Greece which was against of king Leonidas 1. Two movie name 300 have released on this battle.

God bless you all.

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