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Queen Cleopatra

 Cleopatra(69-30 BC) was hot and most discussed character till 2000 yrs after her death. She was born in Alexandria of Egypt and was descendant of Ptoleamic kingdom. And was the last queen of this kingdom. She is known as the alone Queen of a kingdom of her time. She was well known as for her extreme beauty, sex appeal ,diplomat and a good intellect. After the death of her father kingdom was divided into she n her brother and as per ancient Egyptian religious belief she had to marry her brother but the passion of governance made her blind ,so with Julius Caesar she killed her brother in the battle of Niel. She was gifted with betrayer too. And she betrayed Caesar with the help of Anthony ( a general of  Caesar).  

Cleopatra is a long story in herself. History says that son of Julius annexed Alexandria and made Cleopatra homeless etc. She was believing a Goddess herself and historian says she was using black magic for her beauty. They also says that she was doing sex with everyone to get control on everyone but some are rejecting this. She was tricky and a good diplomat and knew how to control everyone. She knew a dozen of languages.
Some says she was killed by Augustus Caesar and some says due to excess uses of drug and some says she let bitten by snake on her breast. Her death is still a mystery for everybody.

That's what I know about Cleopatra .

God bless you all.

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